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Door to Door


by Greg Minehane

A4; 90pp

Door to Door is a textbook for Japanese students who are thinking about studying abroad. Each section prepares students for the trip, engages them in English learning activities, and ensures that their experience—from Door to Door—is rewarding and unforgettable.

Section A: Before you go...

When Japanese students study abroad, they often find that the topic they need to be able to talk about most is Japan. Section A is centered around topics that students are familiar with in high-interest speaking activities such as family, interests, Japanese places, and Japanese culture.

Section B: Homestay guide...

Section B addresses the worries of parents and students concerning overseas travel, offering practical advice on security, money, and other important matters. The four units can be used for homework or classroom discussion.

Section C: Country guide...

Section C presents a window into four major overseas study destinations: Australia, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It provides a great opportunity for students to read and learn about the country they are planning to visit, and will help them choose the right destination if they are still undecided.

Section D: Projects...

Section D should be completed by students while abroad. It creates opportunities for students to interact with the locals and the local culture. Language development exercises include performing interviews, recording field trips, and writing diaries. This can be used to award credit to students.

Section E: When you return...

Section E can be done when students return to Japan. It enables them to discuss and compare aspects of their study abroad experience with their peers. Great follow-up activities include surveys and presentations that reinforce students’ learning and allow them to relive the fun of studying abroad.




Other books useful for study abroad include:


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