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Land of Song and Story: An Introduction to Ireland

by Brian Cullen

A4; 72pp

Free audio downloads available.

This book will teach you about Ireland while you improve your English. Through fun activities, you will learn about the history and culture of this unique island. The CD features 28 beautiful songs, stories, and poems from Ireland performed by Brian Cullen.

Land of Song and Story is suitable for the following courses:
- Irish culture courses
- Intensive courses
- Reading classes
- Content based learning courses
- Culture courses
- Irish literature classes

LSS is written specifically for Japanese students and the activities reflect their interests. It provides a mirror for their own culture and students will become much more aware of cultural issues as they compare the history and culture of Ireland with Japan.

As well as raising cultural awareness, students will improve their English through reading, writing, quizzes and other activities. In addition, the songs and the stories on the CD provide realistic and interesting listening practice.

The wide range of material can act as a starting point for further student research and class presentations and the website offers links to sites of Irish interest all around the world. LSS also provides a great source of background information for understanding Irish literature.

Please get in touch if you would like the author, Brian Cullen, to carry out a workshop at your school.



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