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Write Right

by Linda Donan

B5; 98pp

Part of the It's Your Turn series by Perceptia Press, Write Right is a highly flexible book which can be used as a main text or as supplementary material for a writing course.

Write Right is a textbook for teaching both research and essay writing. It is designed to be flexible enough for students of widely diverse language ability, from those who can hardly construct grammatical sentences to those with experience writing paragraphs. Containing 21 lessons it may be used as a yearlong course textbook, expanded to thirty or more days by the insertion of writing conference weeks in which students write in class while the teacher meets each student one to one to discuss:

  • individual topic choices
  • narrowing of the topic into three or four subtopics from the mind map and literature research
  • the type of organization (exposition, comparison, argumentation)
  • the method or methods of live research (observation, interview, survey, and experiment)
  • the first paragraph
  • each paragraph of the body
  • the final paragraph
  • problems to correct in each draft of the final essay
  • preparation for speech presentation

Teachers may also choose to dispense with chapters (especially those marked supplemental) to reduce the course to a single semester of 15 or 16 class days and any interaction with the student can be done in the teacher’s office or through the internet. Teachers of literature courses may wish to forego the chapters on live research, and teachers of science majors might want to emphasize live research and experiment in particular. It is this author’s hope that all teachers will freely choose and adapt the book to meet the needs of the students in their own classes.
Some teachers prefer students to self-grade their comprehension questions in the textbook, and others prefer to not give students access to answers which tempts them to copy rather than to think.



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